Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't take a nap. It's not good for you.

These are the words of my boss. Now...whether or not I listen to them is another story. Anyone who really knows me...understands that the only way I take a nap, is to be so extremely exhausted, that I fall asleep without intending to. I don't just lay down in the middle of the day with the purpose or intention of falling asleep. I could be doing more productive things. Don't get me wrong, I like to sleep...but that's if I've been asleep all night. Saying that, this waking up at 5:00 am is outrageous! These Koreans! So much motivation to have class before class/work. So I may just take a nap. Who knows. My boss seems to think that it makes you sick if you nap. I don't know why, he obviously doesn't take a walk in the middle of the day and see all his fellow countrymen sleeping outside all over the place!

It was particularly smoggy this morning. I haven't noticed much smog in Siheung but I think because it was was shoving it closer to the ground.

I found out that Jackie, American who doesn't ignore other Americans, is a fellow Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away fan. THAT'S exciting! Anime we come!

I was told that I looked tired today. A student said "uh look-a tired." He wanted to know what time I got up. I said 5:00. He seemed surprised. Apparently that was early for even him. Not by choice I tell you! Good thing they have delicious instant coffee here!

The milk to say.....absolutely delightful. Perhaps it is because I can't read the bottle and am drinking whole milk instead of the 2% I get at home...but MAN! yum-o!

love you guys.


  1. I love your blogs. Kind of. It is like a 50/50 for me. They make me smile and I love knowing what you have been up to...but it makes me want to cry because I miss you!!

    PS. If you would come take away my labor pains, I will pay you whatever Korea is paying you now. Love you!

  2. Milk is... uh... oh so good for you!!! I like to drink it directly from the teat. But sometimes that is not so possible. So drink it up good Kaley.

  3. I have another question about milk. When you drink it does it gurgle in your nose? I like to hear it gurgle sometimes, but it is a special treat. Ok Kaley! Drink it up good!

  4. Sorry didn't mean to scare you sis!
