Sunday, September 27, 2009

My goodness umbrella...control yourself!!

As I was walking home from the Subway station was sprinkling a tad. I thought it would be a good time to try out my new umbrella that my boss so kindly gave me. I had, after all, been lugging it around all darn day. "Let's put it to some use" I thought! Now this possibly the largest umbrella I've ever owned. If I had fallen out of an airplane with only this umbrella in my hands...I probably would have made it to the ground alive. I was walking along...I literally had to hold it with both hands. I thought it would lift me off the ground! GAH! I'd rather just brave the sprinkles!!!

I also encountered a Korean church concert about 4 blocks from my apartment tonight. It was awesome to hear "It is well with my soul" in English. But they must have been popular because there were also alot of screaming girls......hmmm.

I was informed in class the other day....that the GPS system that EVERY CAR has....also doubles as a TV. So.....people driving...can also watch tv. While they drive. And they do.....Something is wrong with this picture.

I went to the movies Friday night with my boss and his wife. They said "The movie starts at 11:40!" My gosh that's late!! We watched "The Ugly Truth." It was not a good movie was in English. So I didn't care. I felt like I was at home in my little theater in Chanute. It was great. I'm going back sometime this week to watch a better one. And can I just say I feel very priviledged to be probably one of the only ones in this country to have seen District 9 already! It hasn't even been released here yet!

Saturday I went hiking with Sarah, David, and my new friend Jackie from Indiana! Yaaaaay! I did not plan the spot for our meet up very well and we were pretty lucky we found each other I think. After wrong directions from some guy who was trying to be helpful, and a couple of hours on the subway, we made it to the mountain! It was a good climb. We went to Seoul after that and tried not to blow all our money on Anime characters...though I must say, I'm quite jealous of Jackie's new friend, Can't wait for more adventures with her!

Today's lunch: Sicilian shrimp and sweet potatoe pizza! Delicious!

Today's special treat and Kaley's new favorite ice cream flavor: Polar Bear from Baskin Robbins. Sooooo Amazing!

Side note: Whoever is leaving me anonymous creepy comments about abusing the comment box. I will have to disable comments from non-members if you keep it up!!!! lol.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't take a nap. It's not good for you.

These are the words of my boss. Now...whether or not I listen to them is another story. Anyone who really knows me...understands that the only way I take a nap, is to be so extremely exhausted, that I fall asleep without intending to. I don't just lay down in the middle of the day with the purpose or intention of falling asleep. I could be doing more productive things. Don't get me wrong, I like to sleep...but that's if I've been asleep all night. Saying that, this waking up at 5:00 am is outrageous! These Koreans! So much motivation to have class before class/work. So I may just take a nap. Who knows. My boss seems to think that it makes you sick if you nap. I don't know why, he obviously doesn't take a walk in the middle of the day and see all his fellow countrymen sleeping outside all over the place!

It was particularly smoggy this morning. I haven't noticed much smog in Siheung but I think because it was was shoving it closer to the ground.

I found out that Jackie, American who doesn't ignore other Americans, is a fellow Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away fan. THAT'S exciting! Anime we come!

I was told that I looked tired today. A student said "uh look-a tired." He wanted to know what time I got up. I said 5:00. He seemed surprised. Apparently that was early for even him. Not by choice I tell you! Good thing they have delicious instant coffee here!

The milk to say.....absolutely delightful. Perhaps it is because I can't read the bottle and am drinking whole milk instead of the 2% I get at home...but MAN! yum-o!

love you guys.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Staring, Sweating, and outdoor exercise equipment.

Three of these things happen in South Korea. One apparently doesn't. Can you guess? Yes, it's sweating. I have yet to see a Korean sweat. Because when you are the only one drenched when hiking up a notice these things.'s quite funny actually. I saw a taxi driver make a full left turn today without even watching where he was going....he was looking directly at me the whole time. I just smiled and waved.

Outdoor exercise equipment....revolutionary! Except I might have to buy some gloves. I'm not sure how many people touch them and I imagine the only thing the cleans them is mother nature...and she doesn't have any disinfectant. Kelsy! Come clean my exercise equipment! :)

Side note: It takes me approx. 5 minutes to figure out how to get to the button that let's me make a new post on newb.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I went on a walk/run/hike today. The walking was because I'm pretty much just out of shape. And I had alot of streets to cross. And I was amazed at the large park smack dab in the middle of all the large buildings around me. When I got the the park there was a "korean mountain" in the middle...equivalent to a small hill in Colorado. It only took me about 20 minutes to get up. But it's so much higher than everything else...that the view was awesome. It's amazing because people were all over the place. It's like they take a break from work to go on a hike. No wonder there are very few overweight people here. Some still had business suits on...walking up a mountain. Do they go back to work sweaty? Do they SWEAT?! There were shelter places periodically along the trail and people would be taking a nap, or talking. Crazy. I felt a little strange standing at the top with all of them so I went down a ways and sat on a rock. I closed my eyes and felt the cool wind blowing...not my wind...not my colorado smelling wind, or my strong Kansas wind. It felt nice, just not the same. It's pretty cool looking though. The city on one side, and the ocean on the other. I'll take my camera next week so you can come with me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well...I'm here. Sitting in my apartment....It's odd...because the towns kind of run together. I guess my city, Siheung, is fairly big. I haven't explored too far though. So far I know where the subway is and the store! woo! I found a McDonalds (NicUnolds Kelsy and MaryKate, lol) so I'll check that out when I obtain so more money. Prayers are appreciated.!